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North Haven Church

6620 Six forks Rd., Raleigh, NC 27615


Adult/Youth Sunday School @ 9:30 AM

Children's Sunday School @ 10:30 AM

Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:30 AM

Welcome to North Haven

Our mission is to connect people to Jesus and help them become dedicated followers of Christ.

Welcome Home!

North Haven Church is a caring, growing, and Biblically-balanced fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ.  We believe in a transforming relationship with God, serving our families, investing in the next generation and extending hope to the hurting in our community.


Make North Haven your church home. You'll find Jesus here, you'll experience God's presence, and you will realize you are not alone.


Upcoming Events

  • Tuesday, February 18, PrimeTimers Event

    1:00 PM in sanctuary; guest Jeff Stockford will lead in praise & worship & refreshements will follow, so bring a snack and invite a friend!
  • Tuesday, February 18, Sorority Sisters Dinner

    6:00 PM at Winston's
  • Tuesday, February 18: Deacons' Meeting

    Monthly meeting of the Deacons of North Haven.
  • Thursday, February 20, Women's Bible Study

    10:00 AM-11:30 AM
  • Tuesday, March 4, Financial Peace University class

    6:30 PM in Overflow; registration required; each Tuesday through April 29

Is North Haven for You?

If you are searching for God, you can find Him at North Haven.

If your whole family needs to grow in faith. This is the place for you.

Check us out before making any judgments.  We think you'll like what you find out.

Check Us Out

Other News...

New Worship Leader

Susan Savino (better known as "Susie") has joined our ministerial staff. Susie recently moved with her family from Georgia and she leads our worship and praise teams.  In addition, Susie is responsible for administrative tasks in the church office. Welcome Susie and her husband, Jason, and daughter, Laeden, to North Haven. 

Miracle in Kasalle

We recently received a newsletter from Kurt Plagenhoef, missionary to Albania.  Kurt and his wife Stephanie and their work among the people of Albania and the Balkans, have been supported by North Haven for years. 

Kurt reported on a miraculous healing that took place during one of their outreaches. God often authenticates the message of the Gospel through supernatural signs. Click on the excerpt from the newsletter on the right to see how Jesus miraculously healed a lady named Bardha, and how that miracle opened hearts to the Gospel.

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