Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
II Corinthians 9:7
God is pleased when we freely give with a heart of love for Him and others.
At North Haven, we have multiple ways to give, making it easy for you to love God by supporting His work.
Use an offering envelope to confidentially give your cash or check. Checks should be made out to North Haven Church. Use the envelope to specify any specific designation for the gift.
Many people bank using their bank's on-line services. If you pay bills through your bank's web site, you can send your donations to North Haven in the same way. Just include the church address as the vendor. You do not have to enter an account number. Your bank will print and send a check to North Haven without cost to you or us.
North Haven has a secure method to make on-line donations using credit or debit cards. These can be one-time gifts or recurring donations. You can designate your gift to specific funds, like the general Tithe/Offering fund or the NHC Missions fund.
Your on-line donations are added to your regular contribution records. At the end of the year, you will receive a combined statement of all your giving, no matter how they were given.
Donors should consider other giving methods that may provide substantial tax savings.
Contact your financial advisor to see if any of these options might be a beneficial way for you to support God's work at North Haven. We currently have processes in place to accept any of these forms of tax-advantaged giving.
North Haven has been blessed in the past by those who have remembered the church in their estate planning. In this way, they ensure the work of the church will continue after they have gone to their reward.
Others have contributed through foundation grants or memorial donations given in honor of a loved one. These are meaningful ways of remembering the desires of parents, grandparents or other family members.
Such gifts are often designated to support specific ministries or needs. Contact us to discuss if this type of donation is appropriate for you.
Easter Sunday - He is risen!