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North Haven Church

6620 Six forks Rd., Raleigh, NC 27615


Adult/Youth Sunday School @ 9:30 AM

Children's Sunday School @ 10:30 AM

Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:30 AM

Tommy Caridi

Tommy Caridi

Tommy leads the youth ministry at North Haven, with an evangelistic emphasis. His goal is to disciple young teens into mature Christians while showing them how to fulfill the Great Commission.


Tommy is originally from Long Island, NY and was raised in a loving Christian home but did not come to Christ until later in life. He's completed his Bachelor of Arts and Masters in Biblical Studies at Liberty University. He carries a burden for today's youth and shares many of their passions, especially related to sports. Tommy joined as Youth Pastor in September 2023, and had recently moved into the area, so he is still has much to learn about how college basketball is really played. 

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